The 2.47 mm detector spacing in SRS MapCHECK provides 5 detectors within a 5 mm field, enabling measurements as small as 5 mm — the smallest clinically used field size at most sites. Combined with an unmatched 0.48 mm detector resolution and patented angular dependence correction, SRS MapCHECK ...
方法:StereoPHAN模体和SNC Patient软件配合SRS Mapcheck探测器进行QA测量,使用Trilogy型医用直线加速器的6 MV光子束对矩阵作阵列和绝对剂量校准,测试多叶准直器(MLC)单野、调强放射治疗(IMRT)及容积弧形调强放射治疗(VMAT)临QA计划在3 mm/3%、2 mm/2%及1 mm/1%标准下的二维γ通过率。结果:在绝对剂量分析模式3 ...
Objective To study the dosimetric characteristics of SRS MapCHECK detector array and to explore its application in dose verification of stereotactic radiotherapy plans. Methods Varian VitalBeam linear accelerator was used to measure the repeatability, dose linearity, dose rate li...
为了保证患者计划的正确实施,治疗前都会进行患者的剂量验证,本次采用StereoPHAN点剂量验证、SRSMapcheck面剂量、Portal Dosimetry面剂量验证和独立核查软件Mobius3D四种验证方法。其中采用StereoPHAN模体、搭配CC01电离室,测量结果为-0.75%;用SRSMapchec验证结...
物理师们常用的 2D 探测器如 MapCHECK, EPID,MatriXX 和 Octavius 729/1500, 3D 模体如 Octavius 4D,ArcCHECK 和 Delta4,这些剂量测量系 统都不能实现高分辨率的 3D 剂量测量,而是借助于 一种算法将测量到的平面剂量重建到 3D 模体和患者 解剖结构上,因此可被称为准 3D 剂量验证系统[20]. 为了能够在三维...
Other QA methods, such as EPIDs, MapCheck, and ion chamber arrays, need to be investigated for quicker and reliable verification. 展开 关键词:procedure saturation Eclipse SRS/SRT chamber DOI: 10.1118/1.2961917 年份: 2008 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
Model: Multi-Purpose Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom - Model 040GSE Description The CIRS Model 040GSE Multi-Purpose, Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom is the most complete solution available for performance and quality assurance testing. Its dual frequency design and detachable water wells allow testing ...
目的:评估SRS MapCHECK半导体矩阵探测器用于射波刀脊柱计划剂量验证工作的适用性.方法:将SRS MapCHECK探测器安装于专用模体StereoPHAN开展研究工作,测试了射波刀固定和Iris可变准直器的单野计划,以及脊柱临床计划的质量保证(QA)计划,采用SNC Patient软件对比分析实测与计划剂量分布之间的差异,分别计算在2 mm/5%,2 mm/...
EDOSEγ通过率剂量验证目的:使用SRS MapCHECK和EDOSE对立体定向放疗(SRT)计划进行剂量验证,并比较它们的验证结果.方法:首先比较两种系统在不同方野(2 cm×2 cm,4 cm×4 cm,6 cm×6 cm,10 cm×10 cm)的γ通过率(3%/3 mm),然后选择29例SRT计划,分析两种系统在不同γ标准下的绝对剂量通过率,最后分析EDOSE...
All cases were evaluated with GAFChromic EBT‐3 films and SRS MapCHECK for Fixed cone, IRIS, and MLC collimators of the CK. Results: The highest mean passing rate was observed for the SRS MapCHECK system compared to films. In order to assess if the two techniques provide st...