# if on, use floor(timestamp/hls_fragment) as the variable [timestamp], # and use enhanced algorithm to calc deviation for segment. # @remark when floor on, recommend the hls_segment>=2*gop. # default: off hls_ts_floor off; # TS的base url。可选默认为空字符串;非空时加在ts前面作...
SRS_HLS_FLOOR_REAP_PERCENT * deviation_ts * hls_fragment :0.0;/* hls_aof_ratio 默认为 2.0, 而 hls_fragment 默认为 10s, * 则需要当前片的时长大于 20s 时,才会进行切片 */returncurrent->duration >= hls_aof_ratio * hls_fragment + deviation; } 对于视频,则会调用 SrsHlsMuxer::is_segment...
# @read https://github.com/ossrs/srs/wiki/v2_CN_DeliveryHLS#on-hls-notify # @read https://github.com/ossrs/srs/wiki/v2_CN_DeliveryHLS#on-hls-notify } } 其中hls 配置就是 HLS 的配置,主要配置项如下: enabled:是否开启 HLS,on/off,默认 off。 hls_fragment:秒,指定 ts 切片的最小长度。...
hls {# whether the hls is enabled.# if off, donot write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish.# default: offenabledon;# the hls fragment in seconds, the duration of a piece of ts.# default: 10hls_fragment10;# the hls m3u8 target duration ratio,# EXT-X-TARGETDURATION = hls_td_ratio * ...
srs(Simple Realtime Server),简单实时服务器,它支持是一个流媒体集成,支持RTMP/HLS/FLV,高效,稳定,易用,简单而快乐。SRS是RTMP / HLS / FLV流式集成,高效,稳定,简单。它是一个国内大佬写的一个非常优秀的一个流媒体服务器,它的开源地址在github和gitee上都有: ...
hls on; hls_fragment 10; # HLS 分片时长 hls_window 60; # HLS 播放时间窗口 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 步骤3:编写 Python 推流代码 在Python 中,我们将使用subprocess库调用 FFmpeg 来处理推流。我们将编写一个简单的脚本将本地视频文件推送到 SRS 服务器。
listen1935;max_connections1000;daemon off;srs_log_tank console;http_api{enabled on;listen1985;}http_server{enabled on;listen8080;}vhost __defaultVhost__{hls{enabled on;hls_fragment2;hls_window60;hls_vcodec vn;hls_path./objs/nginx/html;hls_m3u8_file[app]/[stream].m3u8;hls_ts_file[app]/...
SRS delivers rtmp/hls/http/hds live on x86/x64/arm/mips linux/osx, supports origin/edge/vhost and transcode/ingest and dvr/forward and http-api/http-callback/reload, introduces tracable session-oriented log, exports client srs-librtmp, with stream caster to push MPEGTS-over-UDP/RTSP to ...
hls_path 是指流媒体文件生成后存放的文件夹地址 HLS部署实例 配置文件地址/usr/srs/trunk/conf/http.hls.conf vhost __defaultVhost__{hls{enabled on;hls_fragment3;// 切片时间段,3秒种一段(一段文件就是三秒中的播放长度),段越小,越流畅,但数据会产生的更多.但是网络也是有延迟的,我个人尝试,感觉这个...
hls_fragment 10;hls_window 60;} } 然后执⾏:sudo /etc/init.d/srs reload 让配置即时⽣效,VLC Player⾥下列3个地址,应该都可以播放了:协议地址 rtmp rtmp://srs_server_ip:1935/live/livestream http flv http://srs_server_ip:8080/live/livestream.flv hls http://srs_server_ip:8080...