Home / Price plans / Residential electric / EZ-3 Price Plan SRP EZ-3 Price Plan™If you can commit to limiting your energy use during three on-peak hours on weekdays, the SRP EZ-3 Price Plan could help you save.On this page: How it works Pricing How is EZ-3 different from other...
The energy charge on this plan is about half the rate of the TOU plan – the lowest of any SRP residential price plan. There is a per-kilowatt demand charge, based upon your usage of the energy supplied by SRP. By avoiding the use of appliances during on-peak hours and using appliances...
"An Evaluation of SRP's Electric Rate Proposal for Residential Customers with Distributed Generation." The Brattle Group Report Prepared for Salt River Project (http://www.srpnet.com/prices/priceprocess/pdfx/DGRateReview. pdf ).Faruqui, Ahmad and Ryan Hledik, "An Evaluation of SRP...
There are two cases in which the installer is required to be present during inspections: Non-residential Inspections Inspections which require special equipment beyond that normally carried by the inspectors (i.e., a 20-foot ladder) to safely access the array, roof, process equipment,...
Rate plan Next up, rate plans: you may or may not know which rate plan you're on (or even that you have the opportunity to change it). Many utility companies have default rate options for their customers that remain in place unless you proactively request to be on a different rate. S...
wind Ssoolluvtaiyons Hydrogen production Energy storage Electrolysis Infrastructure End uses Storage, transportation Applications redox flow battery* electrolyzer distribution fuel cell Electric mobility Stationary power generation Residential (heat and power) Industrial feedstock Polymers for membranes, e.g. Aq...
With flat-rate pricing you pay upfront, customers on the SRP M-Power plan save an average of 12% compared to those on other SRP plans who get monthly bills.See how it works Uncover energy savings in your home A virtual or in-person SRP Home Energy Assessment™ provides personalized ener...
2025 residential credit/refund guidelines Billing schedule Bills are issued in mid-November for the upcoming calendar year and are due the first week of December. To avoid any penalties or a possible interruption in your water delivery, please pay by the due date. ...
See if you qualify Pay as you go and save with SRP M-Power® With flat-rate pricing you pay upfront, customers on the SRP M-Power plan save an average of 12% compared to those on other SRP plans who get monthly bills. See how it works ...