雪人SRM螺杆压缩机是一种开启式单级螺杆压缩机,具有以下特点: 1. 高能效比:雪人SRM螺杆压缩机具有10%~99%无级调节功能,智能控制器定位,响应迅速,保证在不同工况下保持高能效比运行。 2. 适用范围广:雪人SRM螺杆压缩机适用于R717、R404A、R507A等各种...
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SRM (scalable reliable multicast) is a good example of a robust design intended to work across a wide range of group sizes and dynamics topologies, even though it does not address the integration of the multicast with the mechanisms supporting mobility. In this paper, we propose a reliable mob...