prioritization office - part of the office of the assistant secretary of defense for industrial base policy - awarded X-Bow Systems, a New Mexico-based start-up, a $64 million contract to expand manufacturing capacity and reduce the production cost of solid-rocket motors used in hypersonic ...
(SPLab) of the Politecnico di Milano, the Department of Energetic Materials of the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), the DLR department Engine Measurement Systems (AT-OTM) and the DLR department of Supersonic and Hypersonic and Hypersonic Technologies Department (AS-HYP). Further, thanks a...
Hooser, C., Bosmajian, N., “Proposed Hypersonic Air-Breathing Test Capability at the Holloman High Speed Test Track”, AIAA 2002-3037, 2002. Rao, G. V. R., “Exhaust Nozzle Contour for Optimum Thrust,”Jet Propulsion, Vol. 28, No. 6, June 1958. 9R-313 Annular Bell Contour Design...