But if you want or need a firearm that's built from the ground up as a fighting shotgun and has more than twice the ammu-nition capacity as any other shotgun, the SRM Arms 1216 deserves a close look.DENNY HANSENS.W.A.T
The SRM 1216 takes care of both issues and provides a capable capacity magazine for shotguns. Besides the magazine, the SRM 1216 is a bullpup, semi-auto shotgun that uses a delayed blowback system. Unique describes the gun rather well. I don’t think there is another weapon that can be ...
【坑】一个蛋疼的新型瞄镜+W蜀黍的SRM ARMS 1216 只看楼主 收藏回复打赏 MS机动战士 450 12 那个瞄镜...好吧,绿色是自己,红色是我方,蓝色是敌方。【就像投影仪啥的?】 () 打赏 李海峰861 450 12 - -...这 上面 的是 怎么 来的。。MS机动...