Suggested retail price is $1,799, and the going street price is about $1,500. But if you want or need a firearm that's built from the ground up as a fighting shotgun and has more than twice the ammu-nition capacity as any other shotgun, the SRM Arms 1216 deserves a close look....
The SRM 1216 looks like it popped right out of the future to visit us, humble shooters, in 2022, but in reality, the SRM 1216 popped up in 2009. It’s over a decade old at this point yet remains unchallenged in terms of unique and efficient design. The SRM 1216’s primary claim to...
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873146促销品牌(型号) AEP BIT02B 0-10BAR促销品牌(型号) ROLAND ELECTRONIC GmbH 2276116促销品牌(型号) INA HF1216促销品牌(型号) STEGMANN DG-60/D促销品牌(型号) ROEMHELD 1533-196促销品牌(型号) Phoenix 2810489 MINI MCR-BL-PT100-I-NC促销品牌(型号) wandfluh AS32060b S1792 Pmax 315bar 20908037 ...