Lab Scale Softgel Machine • Motion Control System: the most important mechanical gearing replaced with electronic gearing in synchronized loops, using servo motors. • Die Roll Dimensions: 4" x 3" • Operation Speed: up to 3 RPM • Control of all production and process parameters using ...
Product PeP11 LabCal Excel Platform PeP11 LabCal offers a Single Validation SaaS Solution Platform that manages all Excel spreadsheets, eliminating the need for individual validations. This comprehensive electronic Excel solution features an Electronic Signature, Audit Trail, and Role-Based Access, rend...
We have used this same CPU in most of our tests here in the lab, but usually two of them. This will be our first single socket 2011 system. These CPU's have proven to be real workhorses over time and generally good for multi-purpose systems. In our tests, we will show this ...
Full policy Owner and Data Controller Code This Lab srl - Via Pittore, 172 - 80046 San Giorgio a Cremano (Italia) Owner contact Types of Data collected Among the types of Personal Data that Code This Lab srl Apps collects, by itself or through third parties, ...
SUN-1488PBHB-LAB-BL2 ATLANTA联轴器6551009 AB输入模块1794-TB3输入模块 1-325-68-00GLAV14-14-120x1412017928140-90°Aluminum84.1 COAX换向阀Block 5-vmk 10 nc 544671 SERTOCOKV-DI-S/KV-DM-S B&R8LSA35.E2060D000-0 SCHUNKLMNS200-X0314182 5分钟报价WAYCONSX80-2000-10V-SA ...
{ "tls_attr": { "skip_verify": false, "cert_file": "/home/azyablov/clab/nokia-evpn-lab/clab-evpn/ca/spine1/spine1.pem", "key_file": "/home/azyablov/clab/nokia-evpn-lab/clab-evpn/ca/spine1/spine1-key.pem", "ca_file": "/home/azyablov/clab/nokia-evpn-lab/clab-evpn...
English The combination of marble, wood, metal, and glass materials adds sophistication to the area. The public area features an open design that integrates the living room, dining and kitchen space, and study, creating a golden triangle living line that encourages interaction between people and ...
As the bank hall is positioned on the first floor, designer created full-height glazing all the way from ground level to the first. This new intervention translates the transparency of customer service complied by the bank. Native 永恒. 生長 恒生銀行旗艦分行設計 「恒生」原有「永恒生長」之意...
As a specialist in manufacturing and aseptic filling of non-injectable sterile liquid products, with or without preservatives, Synerlab is always at the forefront of this expertise in order to anticipate market evolutions. Nowadays, it is a key player internationally in eye and eardrops, as well...