Those Rudras who are on this earth, to whom food turns into shafts, I bow to them with my speech. With my ten fingers joined, I bow to them with my body facing the east, the south, the west, the north, and upwards, I bow to them with my mind. May they render me happy. Oh ...
Sri SuktamandPurusha Suktam. He built in the mantras in a few krithis likeSri Raaja raajeshwari(madyamavathi),pavanatmaja aagaccha(Naatta). For the benefit of those who couldn’t practice rituals he composedvaara krithisonnavagrahas.
Amritananda's narrative is also reminiscent of another Vedic hymn, the Narayana-suktam, where the space within the heart is the location for the presence of the deity Narayana. Verse nine ends with how everything is established in this space (tasmin sarve pratis. .thitam) and verse ten ...