Sørensen, Birgitte Refslund 2008 The Politics of Citizenship and Difference in Sri Lankan Schools . Anthropology & Education Quarterly 39 ( 4 ): 423 – 443 .Sorensen, Birgitte Refslund. "The Politics of Citizenship and Difference in Sri Lankan Schools." Anthropology and Education Quarterly 39,...
Citizenship is essentially a legal formality that denotes membership of a state. However, it should contain an emotional element for individuals to willingly identify themselves with the nation-state. The absence of such emotion often prompts bloody conflicts where people attempt to carve independent ...
Shastri A (1999) Estate Tamils, the Ceylon Citizenship Act of 1948 and Sri Lankan politics. Contemporary South Asia (8)1: 65-86.Shastri, A. (1999). Estate Tamils, the Ceylon citizenship act of 1948 and Sri Lankan politics. Contemporary South Asia, vol 8:1, pp. 65-86....
CITIZENSHIPCIVIL warMILITARY personnel's injuriesBased on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in and around a so-called War Hero Village (Ranavirugama) in northwestern Sri Lanka, this article traces the social (un)becomings of Sri Lankan Army veterans injured during the civil w...
Effective forms of citizenship and gender equality are critical components of social cohesion; however, official curricula of education systems around the world often promote narrow forms of national identity that exclude minority groups, particularly women and girls. This chapter examines how citizenship ...
Socially Responsible HRM Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employees in a Sri Lankan Manufacturing FirmVithya, C.Thevanes, N.Arulrajah, A. AntonIUP Journal of Organizational Behavior
From there they build their political subjectivities by negotiating, appropriating and sometimes rejecting Indian citizenship and Sri Lankan refugeehood. It is through their relationship to this position of in-betweenness that, we argue, citizenship, but also refugeehood, acquire new meanings....