Mahawamsa which was first written by Bhikku Mahanama, has documented the history of Sri Lanka since the 3rd century CE. Though the record has been accepted as correct in most instances, there were discrepancies in para-history and protohistory. The concept of origin of Sinhala race as ...
In Search of Higgins: A Brief History of the Introduction and Diffusion of Elocution in Sri LankaGoonawardena, GimaraWord Matters
Sri Lanka has only a four-and-a-half-decade experience of trade with India under trade agreements. The first Indo-Lanka Free Trade Agreement or ILFTA, signed in December 1998, was in effect since January 2000. This trade agreement covers only the visible merchandise good...
Sri Lanka - Buddhism, Conversion, History: According to Sinhalese tradition, Buddhism was first brought to Sri Lanka by a mission sent out from eastern India during the reign of the Mauryan emperor Ashoka (c. 273–232 bce). The leader of the mission to S
Sri Lanka - Ancient, Colonial, Civil War: Sri Lanka has had a continuous record of human settlement for more than two millennia, and its civilization has been shaped largely by that of the Indian subcontinent. The island’s two major ethnic groups, the S
A brief history of ERP ERP deployment models: From on-premises to the cloud Cloud ERP—A new ERP delivery model 7 reasons to move to an ERP cloud solution Get started with ERP ERP FAQs Definition of enterprise resource planning (ERP) ...
But before talking about the love cake, let’s talk about the history and cultures of Sri Lanka. A brief history of Sri Lanka When the Portuguese arrived on the island in 1505, and since there were no women in the Portuguese navy, they married Sinhalese and Tamils, from the two largest...
As their name suggests, this subspecies is found only on the Indian island of Sri Lanka off the country’s southern coast. While the elephants were once distributed throughout the entire island, from coasts to mountains, they are now mostly found in the lowland regions. They are migratory by...
Often referred to as the 'Paradise Island,' Sri Lanka offers stunning diversity, gorgeous beaches, breathtaking scenery, vivid wildlife, inspiring architecture, tantalising cuisine, and a melting pot of cultures in a recorded history exceeding 2500 years. There's something for everyone. Adventurers ma...
In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Journal of Interdisciplinary History 32.1 (2001) 166-168 Book Review The Work of Kings: The New Buddhism in Sri Lanka The Work of Kings: The New Buddhism in Sri Lanka. By H. L. Sene... ...