Dr. Punam Chopra Principal's Message I consider it, my pleasant task and privilege with pride to communicate through the website of the college, that we at Sri Guru Teg Bahadur College of Education, Khankot, Amritsar are committed to uphold the age old traditions and ideals of our distingui...
they confirmed that he had died. My mind became disturbed. I did not know why I should go on living. Then I thought of my children and lived for them. In March, 2010 we were resettled. When we came to our land, I went into shock. There was nothing there; everything had...
普智管理咨询创建于 2014 年 ,是“私董会3 0模式”的理论体系构建者和版权所有者,拥有私董会领域五项自主知识产权。普智以“为企业增长赋能,用商业智慧报国”为使命,培养企业家及企业高管的商业系统思维,使其能在纷繁复杂的商业生态中把握机遇,规避风险,不断颠覆创新,实现企业长效持续增长;并帮助更多具有成长潜力的...