✔Srhythm NiceComfort 75 Pro 抗噪机制使人不提高过多音量即可享受音乐,适合在搭乘飞机或通勤时使用 最低频率 20 Hz 频率响应范围为耳机上所能再现声音的范围,数値越广能重现解析度高的声音。数字越大表示声音越高尖 最高频率 20000 Hz 频率响应范围为耳机上所能再现声音的范围,数値越广能重现解析度高的声音...
✔Srhythm NiceComfort 75 Pro With a detachable cable you can use alternative cables, and if the cable is pulled it will pop out instead of breaking. The first number of the IP rating refers to protection against dust, while the second number refers to protection against liquid. E.g. a ...