答案可以是:SRH英授本科团审项目 SRH团审,由SRH旗下的SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences和SRH University of Applied Health Sciences 联合招生。高考分数达二本线/本科线的考生,在通过SRH教授的面试选拔后,由学校统一组织以团组形式进行APS审核,获得去德国攻读本科学位的直接入学资格。 SRH团审学生将全程就读...
柏林SRH应用技术大学(SRH Hochschule Berlin)是位于首都柏林的国家承认学历资格的一所私立高等院校。学校共有6所分校,分别位于柏林、德累斯顿和汉堡三地,拥有来自全球100多个国家的学生13000多名,开设90多门经认可的专业课程,英德双语教学。目前开设36个本科专业、27个硕士专业、6个MBA课程,学校提供在各行业企业实习...
MBA SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciencesis a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes in English and German. Our six schools combine modern management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and IT, music and sound design in modern...
Bachelor Master MBA SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences is a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes in English and German. Our six schools combine modern management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and... Read More Arts ...
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciencesis a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes in English and German. Our six schools combine modern management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and IT, music and sound design in modern study...
MBA SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciencesis a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes in English and German. Our six schools combine modern management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and IT, music and sound design in modern...
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences is a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor's, Master's and MBA programmes in English and German. Our six schools combine modern management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and... Read More Arts and Humanities (8) ...
大学在柏林,德累斯顿和汉堡三个城市设立六所学院,目前开设36个本科专业、27个硕士专业、6个MBA课程、3个短期课程。来自90多个国家、地区的讲师和学生参加了近65个获得认证的德语和英语授课专业学习课程,学校提供在管理和企业家,媒体和创意产业,技术和IT,音乐,设计,电影和文字方面的各种机会。学院设置 柏林管理...