HIGHER education researchMEDICAL schoolsPATHOLOGYGOITERTo observe the correlation of FNAC and histopathology in various thyroid swellings. Solitary nodular goitre, Multi nodular goitre Suspected malignancy of thyroid, Malignancy of thyroid and to study its diagnostics accuracy.S.,...
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Self-Breast Examination on Prevention of Breast Cancer Among Women Attending OPD in Sree Balaji Medical and Colle... A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Self-Breast Examination on Prevention of Breast Cancer Among Women Attending OPD in Sree Balaji ...
Department of Anaesthesiology, Sree Balaji Medical College, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennaidoi:10.5958/0976-5506.2019.04266.9CHENNAI (India)HIGHER education researchBRACHIAL plexus blockMEDICAL schoolsANESTHESIOLOGYARMBackground: Upper limb processes are fre...
The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of postoperative wound infections in emergency abdominal surgeries in patients admitted to Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai. Method: In this study 120 patients were included who underwent emergency abdominal surgeries. Data concerning...
A STUDY TO ASSESS THE STRESS OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS VICTIMS IN SREE BALAJI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL CHENNAIPost-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that can occur after any traumatic incidents .It is a part of body's response to a horrible situations. A serious PTSD can have...
To evaluate different etiological factors of thrombocytopenia by the study of clinical profile and laboratory parameters in patients with thrombocytopenia carried out in Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai. After evaluating all cases of thrombocytopenia, it is concluded that infective causes ...