EFA用户空间软件有两种形式:基本的“用户空间驱动程序”软件公开可靠的乱序交付,由Nitro卡EFA硬件设备本地提供;而 libfabric “供应者”层在驱动之上,实现数据包重新排序作为消息分段和MPI标签匹配支持的一部分。 3.1 EFA 作为Elastic Network Adapter的扩展 Nitro卡是一系列卡,可卸载和加速AWS EC2服务器上的网络、存储...
EFA用户空间软件有两种形式:基本的“用户空间驱动程序”软件公开可靠的乱序交付,由Nitro卡EFA硬件设备本地提供;而 libfabric “供应者”层在驱动之上,实现数据包重新排序作为消息分段和MPI标签匹配支持的一部分。 3.1 EFA 作为Elastic Network Adapter的扩展 Nitro卡是一系列卡,可卸载和加速AWS EC2服务器上的网络、存储...
https://aws.amazon.com/cn/blogs/hpc/in-the-search-for-performance-theres-more-than-one-way-to-build-a-network/ PDF:Lower the Time-to-Results for Tightly Coupled HPC Applications on the AWS Cloud with the Elastic Fabric Adapter 【转载须知】 若转载文章为原创文章,可在相应文章下或公众号后台留...
上周回顾了阿里自研的AliNOS起源及演进—从数据中心到广域网、泛边缘及DPU。 今天介绍鹅厂自研的一款全新的网络协议,微秒级“复活”网络的HARP协议及其关键技术。 本文来自鹅厂。关于SRD,请参阅:RDMA是个宝?AWS就是不鸟 概述 在常见的TCP/IP协议、RoCE协议之外,腾讯云的工程师们正在自研一套全新的高性能传输协议H...
characters in a Fate game solve their problems proactively. Players, during the game you’re going to do a lot—you might break into the bad guy’s fortress, pilot a starship past a minefield, rally a group of people into a protest, or poll a network of informants to get the latest ...
3.1 EFA 作为Elastic Network Adapter的扩展 Nitro卡是一系列卡,可卸载和加速AWS EC2服务器上的网络、存储、安全和虚拟化功能。特别是,用于VPC的Nitro卡包括弹性网络适配器 (ENA) PCIe控制器,该控制器将经典网络设备呈现给主机,同时还为AWS VPC实现数据平面。ENA使用 PCIe SR-IOV来提供高性能网络功能,而无需管理程...
High-Performance Network Protocol for AWS(AWS高性能网络协议) Reliable Datagram Protocol Optimized for Cloud Environments(针对云环境优化的可靠数据报文协议) Short Range Device(短距离无线通讯设备): 翻译结果:SRD指的是工作在特定频率范围内,传输功率受限的无线通讯设备。 应用场景:这类设备通常用于短距离通信,如...
Fudge is a rules-light roleplaying game (RPG), concentrating on role-playing rather than endless dice rolls and tables and similar detailed game mechanics. It also uses words rather than numbers to describe character traits. For example, a character might be a Great swordsman rather than a 14t...
Our website uses some cookies and records your IP address for the purposes of accessibility, security, and managing your access to the telecommunication network. You can disable data collection and cookies by changing your browser settings, but it may affect how this website functions. Learn more...
Heroes & Monsters™ is a “pen & paper” game that requires a group of players to sit around a table with pencils, pieces of paper and dice and interact with one another to make things happen. One of the players is declared the Game Master, or (GM) and has the task of running th...