数据科学中用于多系统间信息交互的标准格式,例如医疗或金融行业的跨平台数据共享框架。 龙与地下城系统参考文件(DnD SRD) 桌游《龙与地下城》的官方开源规则文档,包含基础职业、法术、战斗机制等核心内容,供玩家和开发者免费使用。 建议根据具体应用场景(如技术文档、招聘活动或游戏规则)进一步...
整理一下SRD的灵能..Cerebremancer(奥灵师)Elocater(转位者)本来根据幻变位面想译作幻变士,不过很容易让人产生错误的理解,加上已经有了转位者这个称呼,就沿用。Metamind(超念者)Psion Un
【抽个新游戏】根据正统「龙与地下城」SRD 5.1 版本制作的策略 RPG《Solasta: Crown of the Magister》现已在 Steam 开启抢先体验。这是一款非常适合 DND 爱好者的游戏,几乎就是把跑团体验做到了电脑上。由四位英雄组成的独特小队,掷骰决定他们的属性,探索 Solasta 破碎的世界。转发关注,抽俩游戏码。L篝火编辑部...
by DND Staff Jul 20, 2024 The Systems Reference Document (SRD) contains guidelines for publishing content under the Open-Gaming License (OGL) or Creative Commons. The Dungeon Masters Guild also provides self-publishing opportunities for individuals and groups. Use of D&D content in streaming, ...
In the Systems Reference Document (SRD) text of polymorph it is stated that The spell has no effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hitpoints However in my PHB copy it is worded as An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. A shapechanger automatic...
主武器为*1,副武器为*0.5 禁言|3楼2010-01-27 18:52 回复 216.121.250.* 呵呵, 小弟刚接触dnd, 所以很多东西搞不懂, 请问各位大大我上面自己的理解对吗? 4楼2010-01-27 22:21 回复 橘子の汁 狗头人 8 麻烦看2和3楼 有对有不对 禁言|5楼2010-01-28 10:31 回复 ...
Are there any differences between the Basic Rules and the SRD? Do they have different purposes, content, publishing methods (for example)? Does it have to do with licensing? If they are the same, why are they referred to as two separate things with separate names? dnd-5e-2014 Share Follo...
Welcome to the 5e System Reference Document (SRD5e) The searchable official 5e System Reference Document from the manufacturer. Adventuring Adventuring - General RulesAdventuring - Equipment Between AdventuresAdventuring Gear MovementArmor Planes of ExistenceCoins ...
元素与能量特性:这些特性决定一个位面由哪些元素和能量占主导地位。 阵营特性:就像一个角色可能是守序中立或混乱善良一样,许多位面也有着自己的道德或伦理倾向。 魔法特性:不同位面中魔法的效果是不同的,魔法特性限定了魔法在这个位面所能做和不能做的事情。 物理特性(Physical Traits) 物理特性所限定的自然法则中...