SRD Also found in: Medical, Financial, Wikipedia. Category filter: AcronymDefinition SRD Suriname Dollar (ISO currency code) SRD Standard Reference Data SRD Sem Raca Definida (Brazilian goat: without defined breed) SRD Short Range Devices (wireless networking) SRD Step Recovery Diode SRD Spin ...
Likewise, there is no set definition of what a spacefaring adventure will or should look like – they may contain as much or as little magic or technology as players and GMs desire. An adventure may be almost entirely surface-bound with space vessels existing merely to move from one world ...
Likewise, there is no set definition of what a spacefaring adventure will or should look like – they may contain as much or as little magic or technology as players and GMs desire. An adventure may be almost entirely surface-bound with space vessels existing merely to move from one world ...
PROTOCOL_DEFINITION('international standard', 'config_control_design',1994,#3538); #3540=DESIGN_CONTEXT('',#3538,'design'); #3541=MECHANICAL_CONTEXT('',#3538,'mechanical'); #3542=PRODUCT('CDNBS08-T_SERIES','CDNBS08-T_SERIES','NOT SPECIFIED',(#3541)); #3543=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_FORMATION...