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a概率类技术并不着眼于降低信号幅度的最大值,而是降低峰值出现的概率。一般的概率类技术都将带来一定的信息冗余。这类技术主要包括选择映射方法(SLM)及部分序列传输方法(PTS)。 The probability class technology does not focus in reduces the signal scope the maximum value, but reduces the probability which the...
The role of Pa¨ts in interwar Estonia is so important that the first period of nationhood is also known in the Estonian mass consciousness as the `Pa¨ts era'. But the role he played in Estonia's political choices has developed into one of the most debated issues in recent Estonian ...
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If you use Microsoft Teams in your organization, you can now link the JobPts application and then proceed to recognize and build a culture of gratitude in the same tool your company uses for communication on daily basis. Recognizing your colleagues easily for a job well done without leaving Mi...
2004 Finals Game 1: Pistons' balanced attack stifles Lakers in opener 1980 Finals Game 5: Kareem's heroics lift Lakers 1970 Finals- Game 7: Here comes Willis! 2001 East Semis Game 3: Carter goes for 50 points 3/30/79- Davis 40 pts Tops Sonics ...
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