Main entrance to the National Bank of Serbia NBS, Narodna Banka Srbije, the central bank of the country. Photo about currency, investment, economics, design, capital - 114175264
The analysis was performed by analyzing investments in tourism, number of enterprises, number of employees and average wages in this area, the number of arrivals and overnight stays in the Republic of Serbia, overnight stays by different types of resorts, territorial distribution...
(Serbian).It is of crucial importance for Serbia to enlarge inward FDI, particularly greenfield investment in exchangeable goods, for resolving accumulated economic problems, such as slowness of export, high disequilibrium of current account balance, high external debt and instability of currency ...
The exchange rate depreciation, along withthe existing high currency substitution in Serbia, has resulted in a respective increase of debt obligations which is equvalent to the level of depreciation. Faced with an increase of nominal debts, debtors did not have sufficient financial resources to ...