SRB2Kart: Saturn SRB2Kartis a kart racing mod based on the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangameSonic Robo Blast 2, based on a modified version ofDoom Legacy. Saturn Features (Take a look at the "Saturn Options" menu c;) Sprites player rotation on slopes; going on hills, levitate, going down...
Saturn .circleci android assets bin cmake debian-template deployer doc extras libs objs src tools .gitattributes .gitignore .travis.yml CMakeLists.txt Doxyfile LICENSE SRB2.cbp SRB2_Debug.props SRB2_Release.props
SRB2Kart: Saturn SRB2Kart is a kart racing mod based on the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame Sonic Robo Blast 2, based on a modified version of Doom Legacy. Saturn Features (Take a look at the "Saturn Options" menu c;) Sprites player rotation on slopes; going on hills, levitate, going...