return; if (nrPlaneVerts > UINT16_MAX) // FIXME: exceeds plVerts size { CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "polygon size of %d exceeds max value of %d vertices\n", nrPlaneVerts, UINT16_MAX); return; } // Allocate plane-vertex buffer if we need to if (!planeVerts || nrPlaneVe...
GITHUB_REPOSITORY TheLartians/Ccache.cmake VERSION 1.2 ) set(SRB2_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_TYPE STATIC) set(NOT_SRB2_CONFIG_SHARED_INTERNAL_LIBRARIES ON) endif() # Dependencies add_subdirectory(thirdparty) if("${SRB2_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES}") find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) find_package(PNG REQUIRED) fi...
Flexible mod supportviaLuascripting orSonic Object Configuationsystem - allowing new items, enemies, bosses, scenery effects and (much) more. Full source codefor the game available onGitLabandGitHub. READ MORE Add modMods Sonic The Hedgehog The New Adventure ...
具体来说,FlashMLA是一个针对 Hopper GPU 优化的高效 MLA(Multi-Layer Attention)解码内核。 它专门针对多层注意力机制进行了优化,能够加速 LLM 的解码过程,从而提高模型的响应速度和吞吐量。而这对于实时生成任务(如聊天机器人、文本生成等)尤为重要。 说人话就是,FlashMLA 是一个能让 LLM 模型在 H800 上跑得...
支持多租户 (multi-tenancy) 此外,Meilisearch 提供了一整套完整的 SDK 和库,让开发者便捷地将其连接到流行的编程语言和 Web 工具。Meilisearch 的搜索功能支持所有语言,对任何使用空格分隔单词的语言以及中文、日语、希伯来语、泰语和韩语都进行了特殊优化。
To use the Bitcoin Core multi-wallet support (version 0.15 onwards), you should use multiple instances of API, for example:[1]{network:'testnet',provider:'bitcoind',cache:'testnet.db',dust_limit:600,default_fees:10000,min_confirmation:1,max_confirm...
void R_DrawColumn_8(void); void R_DrawShadeColumn_8(void); void R_DrawTranslucentColumn_8(void); void R_DrawDropShadowColumn_8(void); void R_DrawTranslatedColumn_8(void); void R_DrawTranslatedTranslucentColumn_8(void); void R_Draw2sMultiPatchColumn_8(void);33...
This a more complex example where we send and receive multi-part messages over TCP with a wildcard port. #include <iostream> #include <zmq_addon.hpp> int main() { zmq::context_t ctx; zmq::socket_t sock1(ctx, zmq::socket_type::push); zmq::socket_t sock2(ctx, zmq::socket_type...
Process Inspector Process Hacker [Open Source] A powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources and debug software. Process Inspector WinExplorer [Open Source] Shows all of a system's windows and their properties, like handle, class name, caption, size, position, and more...