EDO DRAM( Extended Data Out DRAM:扩展数据输出DRAM): 在介绍FPM的读取过程的最后我着重提到了 FPM DRAM是在上一次的数据读取完毕才会进行下一个数据的读取,但是对于EDO DRAM却是完全不一样的。EDO DRAM可以在输出数据的同时进行下一个列地址选通,我们依然结合下面的EDO读取时序图来了解EDO DRAM读取数据的过程: ...
SRAM是“ static RAM(静态随机存储器)”的简称,之所以这样命名是因为当数据被存 入其中后不会消失(同DRAM动态随机存储器是不同,DRAM、须在一定的时间内 不停 的刷新才能保持其中存储的数据)。一个SRAh单元通常由4-6只晶体管组 成,当这个SRAM单元被赋予0或者1的状态之后,它会保持这个状态直到下次 被赋予新的...
(DRAM) devices are used for the computer's main memory due to their simplicity and low cost. In such systems, SRAMs typically provide cache memory, interfacing with the processor12at speeds not attainable by DRAMs. In systems requiring very low power consumption, such as portable electronic ...
Semiconductor memories can, for example, be characterized as volatile random access memories (RAMs) or nonvolatile read only memories (ROMs), where RAMs can either be static (SRAM) or dynamic (DRAM) differing mainly in the manner by which they store a state of a bit. In SRAM, for example...
在SRAM或者DRAM的每一个基本存储单位(也就是上一节中介绍用来存储1bit信息的存储单位)都只能存储0或者1这样的数据,而且在上一节中IDT6167和Intel 2188芯片都仅仅只有Din(数据输入)和Dout(数据输出接口),而CPU存取数据的时候是按照字节(也就是8bit)来存储的,那么RAM究竟如何满足CPU的这样的要求呢?
FIG. 1 is a circuit diagram of a memory cell of an SRAM, where the memory cell is a latch comprising two inverters, and the two inverters must be inverted during a write operation. In particular, during a write operation of the memory cell, the transistors PU and TG and the bit line...
high-density memory like DRAM and Flash are required. On the other hand, for high data transfer rate systems, fast SRAM memory is required, where a high speed data transfer is essential to communicate between IoT devices. Therefore, SRAM is preferred as a cache memory due to its faster resp...