SRA全称Financial Services Regulatory Authority(即金融服务监管局)隶属于阿联酋阿布扎比新的普通法自由区复ADGM(Abu Dhabi Global Market),所以办理周制期较长、FSRA 金融服务监管局。ADGM阿布扎比全球市场下属三机构the Registration Authority 注册局、ADGM Courts ADGM法院,在4-5个月左右。FSRA属于完全监管,材料要求百...
Consultation proposalsSuggested response
There are growing suspicions that this funding model not only compromises the integrity of the SRA’s decisions but also places it in a position where regulatory capture becomes almost inevitable. By allowing the solicitors it oversees to fund its operations, the SRA is essentially beholden to ...
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Strategic Rail Authority Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Sra. 1.Senhora. ...
爱尔兰金融服务管理局(Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority) 刘明康主席与爱尔兰金融服务管理局(IFSRA)主席吉姆·法雷尔(Jim Farrell)… 2008-10-29 王华庆在2008银行业合规年会上的讲话…|基于15个网页 2. 爱尔兰金融服务监管局 ...值总计6,000万欧元,其中两项突破性的协议包括,爱尔兰金...
We rely on the Jonathon Bray team for regulatory and compliance support, including the setting-up of our practice, which they achieved with minimal fuss. Their service is outstanding and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to other start-up law firms. ...
The ordinance was designed to help expedite reconstruction of structures crippled by the storm by allowing developers to build in the same “pre-Iniki” footprint, avoiding additional regulatory hoops and associated expenses. The repeal proposal was postponed by a Council subcommittee last month, but...
Reports on the participation of chief executive Liam O'Reilly of the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority at the September 2004 luncheon of the Leinster Society of Chartered Accountants held in Dublin's Conrad Hotel. His views on the adoption of principles based in approach; Support for th...
To date, $132.8m or 107% of original capital has been distributed to investors in the form of capital distributions via redemptions and income dividends. Total value to investors including NAV and all distributions paid is $144.7m (116% of original capital). For regulatory reasons, the final...
Ethical Dilemmas of Corporate Lawyering: Lessons from the UK Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) Standards and RegulationsM Jashim Chowdhury