Critics argue that this relationship, potentially compounded by underhand financial incentives, has led to the SRA consistently turning a blind eye to misconduct, resulting in a system where unethical behaviour goes unchecked, clients are harmed, and solicitors who breach rules or even defy court ...
The article reports on the call of the Law Society that tells solicitors to boycott the Solicitors Regulation Authority's (SRA) new rules that allow client referrals to restricted advisers....
firestore.rules refactor: updated firebase rules Jan 21, 2022 feat: container registry friendly docker images and all-in-one contai… Aug 24, 2023 jsconfig.json Revert "Revert "Migrate Postwoman to Nuxt.js (full Vue and SCSS suppo… Aug 25, 2019 netlify.toml chore: reintroduce...
update rules_python and let bazel install its own pip dependencies (p… May 23, 2023 aten.bzl add explicit vectorization for Half dtype on CPU (pytorch#96076) Apr 3, 2023 buckbuild.bzl Fix BUCK build after pytorch#103185 (pytorch#103446) Jun 13, 2023 build.bzl extract out a caffe2 ...
Rules and Guidance 2021 issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission ("GFSC").It is a non-cellular company limited by shares and has been declared by theGFSCto be a registered closed-ended collective investment scheme. The Company trades on the Specialist Fund Segment ("SFS") of the ...
The article reports on plans by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) to update its prescribed code of conduct regarding the confidentiality of business transactions in Great Britain in 2007. The SRA's move came after the Financ...
The article reports on the call of the Law Society that tells solicitors to boycott the Solicitors Regulation Authority's (SRA) new rules that allow client referrals to restricted advisers. It argues on the requirement to avoid solicitors from negligence claims based on the kind of recommendations...