You fail to enforce the Code of Conduct consistently, allowing breaches to go unpunished and eroding public confidence. Justifying these failures with hollow explanations only further damages your credibility.5. Weak Anti-Money Laundering OversightYour track record on AML is inadequate. For instance, ...
The article reports that the board members of Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) will be meeting on November 28, 2012 to decide whether to amend its code of conduct. It mentions three consultation launched ...
Code of conduct BSD-3-Clause license A Python package for retrieving metadata from SRA/ENA/GEO Documentation CLI Usage pysradbsupports command line usage. SeeCLIinstructions orquickstart guide. $ pysradb usage: pysradb [-h] [--version] [--citation] {metadat...
README Code of conduct License Security PyTorch is a Python package that provides two high-level features: Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration Deep neural networks built on a tape-based autograd system You can reuse your favorite Python packages such as NumPy, SciPy,...
The South Dakota High School Rodeo Association has grown over the years, having one of the largest contestant pools of all the states. We require our members to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner, to abide by a western dress code while competing and to maintain their grades at the sam...
中国科幻杂志这次组队申请#世界科幻大会# WorldCon2023, 申请在Aug16th下午举行,组委会有一长列尖锐敏感的问题抛出,如中国政府会不会反对LFGBT(同性恋 转性)话题,Code of Conduct(行为准则),Chinese Visa(去...
aMo with "small eyes see the world, good behavior starts from me." A person's life, need some seasoning powder to make life colorful, and it is from your life behaviour. From their own code of conduct and bea Mo与“小眼睛看见世界,好行为开始从我”。 人的生活,需要一些调味料粉末使生活...
OQC will conduct a comprehensive inspection of our products prior to shipment. Q3. How to get the preferential price?Please tell us your specific needs, including the product and quantity, and then you will get a better price. Q4. Can I ...
Code of Ethics tuo yhteen Gofo- ren arvot, eettiset periaatteet sekä käytännön eettisten pul- mien ratkaisuun tarkoitetun Code of Conductin. Goforen toimintaa on yhtiön toiminnan alusta saakka ohjan- nut kaksi arvoa: 1. Gofore on kaikille hyvä työpaikka. Goforessa ...
Bloomberg code: NBDG:LN Legal Entity Identifier YRFO7WKOU3V511VFX790 Website 1In addition the Company has two Class A Shares in issue. Further information is provided in the Capital Structure section of this report below. ...