摘要: 在"物质的分散"教学中,以学生非常熟悉的护手霜为情境开发了创意课程"护手霜",从涂抹感受到原料分散探究本质,再到制作护手霜,巧妙地将"溶解""乳化"串联到一起,通过涂抹感受,原料分散,感知乳化和拓展应用等环节,在环环相扣的探究活动中理解微观本质,培养"宏观辨识与微观探析"素养,促成深度学习.关键词:...
PURPOSE:To cause a diffusing light to be hardly incoming to a detector and to obtain a sharp picture by providing a gantry, which equips a radiation ray source and revolves around a treatment stand, a radiation ray detecting part and a detecting part collimator, for which the radiation ray ...
This class provides methods useful when constructing a list of smart pointers.Kopiraj template< typename E > class CAutoPtrList : public CAtlList< ATL::CAutoPtr< E >, CAutoPtrElementTraits< E > > ParametersE The pointer type.Remarks...
摘要: 众所周知,儿歌特点鲜明,集知识性,游戏性以及趣味性于一体,儿歌在现阶段幼儿园各类教学活动中广泛应用具有极为重要的教育意义和实践意义.在本文就儿歌在幼儿园科学活动中的运用策略进行一定分析和探究,并且提出一些合理化教学策略,以供参考.关键词:儿歌 幼儿园科学活动 应用策略 ...
皮肤癌包括黑色素瘤和非黑色素瘤2种,其中前者又包括基底细胞癌( BCC ),鳞状细胞癌( SCC )及角化棘皮瘤等[1] ,其主要危险因素为日光暴晒,而紫外线暴露,电离辐射,慢性炎症刺激等也与其密切相关[2].我国皮肤癌的发病率相对较低,且好发于65岁以上人群,但疾病谱相对广泛,除紫外线暴露等原因,药物导致的DNA损伤也...
Doping dependence of the spatially modulated dynamical spin correlations and the superconducting-transition temperature in ${\\mathrm{La}}_{2\\mathrm{\\ensuremath{-}}\\mathit{x}}{\\mathrm{Sr}}_{x}{\\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ Yamada, K., et al.: Doping dependence of the spatially modulated...
Manifestation of hopping conductivity and granularity within phase diagrams of LaO 1– x F x BiS 2 , Sr 1– x La x FBiS 2 and related BiS 2 -based compounds Layered BiS-based series, such as LaOFBiSand SrLaFBiS, offer ideal examples for studying normal and superconducting phase diagram...
Subject index to volume 39 AAbnormalities/toes ( 1) :3 1Acueaphaseproteins ( 5) :54 7Adenylicacid ( 6) :63 9Albumin/urine ( 2 ) :179Alkalinephosphatase ( 3 ) :2 97Aminophyllinum D Condurache - 《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 被引量: 4发表: 2004年 Subject Index to Volume 10 AAbdomina...