solid solutionpowder diffractionLow temperature thermal expansion coefficients of members of the solid solution gehlenite (ge)-akermanite (ak) were measured by synchrotron radiation X-Ray powder diffraction. The linear thermal expansion coefficient is maximum for a compositio...
214 夜市上碰到同事摆摊,月入三万,我抓狂了!不说了,我找领导离职去#夜市 #济南夜市 @抖音小助手 夜市上碰到同事摆摊,月入三万,我抓狂了!不说了,我找领导离职去#夜市 #济南夜市 @抖音小助手 1138 大济南无敌!济南东高铁站@抖音小助手 大济南无敌!济南东高铁站@抖音小助手热门...
,"Tricalcium aluminate hydration in additivated systems. A crystallographic study by SR-XRPD " , Cem.Conc.Res. 38 (2008) 477.Merlini, M.; Artioli, G.; Cerulli, T.; Cella, F.; Bravo, A. Tricalcium aluminate hydration in additivated systems. A crystallographic study by SR-XRPD. Cem. ...
The High Thermal Stability of the Synthetic Zeolite KL: Dehydration Mechanism by in Situ SR-XRPD Experiments. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2013, 177, 8-16.Gigli, L.; Arletti, R.; Quartieri, S.; Di Renzo, F.; Vezzalini, G. The high thermal stability of the synthetic zeolite K-L: ...