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压力效应晶格完整性Cu-O层电阻跳变一,引言 自Michel等发现Bi-系超导氧化物以来,对该体系所进行的高T_c及其单相性的探索一直方兴未艾. 步Maeda等在多相Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O体系中观察到105 K超导相之后,近来掺Pb的多相Bi-体系零电阻温度已达到110 K. 其单相性问题无论在物理和应用上都张进龙...
Specific-heat measurements of the 107-K phase of the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system were made in the temperature range 80-250 K by an ac calorimetry method. A finite specific-heat jump at Tc (DeltaCp/Tc=16 mJ mol-1 K-2) was first detected, from which the electronic specific-heat ...
Like Cirrus SR-22 (N107PB) 提交时间:14 年以前 1of N107PB9100ofSR22 Bret Gladfelty Comments 动态日志 需要N107PB 1998年以来的完整历史搜索吗?现在购买,一小时内即可收到。 日期机型始发地目的地出发到达飞行时间 2024年 11月 29日SR22Reno/Stead(KRTS)Nevada County(KGOO)11:51PST12:20PST(?)0:...
爱企查为您提供松下家用2L电饭锅 多功能智能压力锅SR-PB201-H 品牌礼品 企业团购,广州市意盎商贸有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。压力锅;压力锅批发;压力锅行情报价;压力锅价格;压力锅底价;压力锅图片;压力锅厂家;压力锅生产厂家;压力锅品牌;压力锅
37Rb 38Sr 39Y 40Zr 41Nb 42Mo 43Tc 44Ru 45Rh 46Pd 47Ag 48Cd 49In 50Sn 51Sb 52Te 53I 54Xe 55Cs 56Ba 57-71La-Lu 72Hf 73Ta 74W 75Re 76Os 77Ir 78Pt 79Au 80Hg 81Tl 82Pb 83Bi 84Po 85At 86Rn 87Fr 88Ra 89-103Ac-Lr 104Rf 105Db 106Sg 107Bh 108Hs 109Mt 11...
(1990): (Table 4) 87Sr/86Sr ratios of dolomitic mudstones from sedimentological unit IV of ODP Hole 107-654A. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.746162, In Supplement to: Müller, Daniel W; Müller, Paul A; McKenzie, Judith A (1990):... DW Müller,PA Müller,JA Mckenzie 被引量: 0发表: 1990年...
一,引言 自Michel等发现Bi-系超导氧化物以来,对该体系所进行的高T_c及其单相性的探索一直方兴未艾.步Maeda等在多相Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O 体系中观察到105 K超导相之后,近来掺Pb的多相Bi-体系零电阻温度已达到110 K.其单相性问题无论在物理和应用上都doi:10.1007/BF02943990张进龙中国科学院物理研究所崔长庚中国...
The single phase of the high-Tc phase (107 K) in Bi-based system has been synthesized successfully for the first time by partial substituting of Pb for Bi and combined with adding more Ca, Cu based on Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy formula. A long period of sintering at 880u00b0C is necessary to ...
CRYSTALdataSINGLESUPERCONDUCTINGphaseX-raypowderpattern.In the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductor system, two superconducting phases (85K and 105K) were found by Maeda et al. By substituting Pb, enhanced superconducting properties and structure stabilization in these compounds have been reported. Recently,...