around 1 μmol/L,whereas the Ca2+ concentrationinside SR is about 1—10 mmol/L.So it results in a 1000—10000-fold transmembraneCa2+ gradient,which is maintained by SR Ca2+-ATPase (generally called Ca2+-pump).At the expense of hydrolysis of ATP,SR Ca2+-ATPase can transport Ca2+ across...
Effects of Rare Earths on the Activity of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca~(2+)-ATPase; 稀土对肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性的影响 参考词条 Ca~(2+)ATP酶Ca~(2+)-ATP酶Ca_(2+)-ATP酶Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活力肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP酶肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP酶Ca~(2+)-ATP酶细胞化学技术...
肌质网Ca^2+-ATPase偶联构象Delipidated SR Ca2 -ATPase was reconstituted into liposomes containing different DOPE/DOPC ratio. It was observed that DOPC is required for the optimal ATPase activity, while DOPE for the calcium uptake and the enhancement of coupling of ATP hydrolysis to Ca2 transport...
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) isolated from the deep red portion of the gastrocnemius muscle of Sprague-Dawley rats after a single bout of prolonged exercise was shown to have depressed Ca 2+ -stimulated Mg 2+ -dependent ATPase activity over a temperature range of 15 to 42.5°C when compared to...
An immunocytochemical investigation of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca 2+-ATPase (SR-Ca-ATPase) was performed on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens of different types of rhabdomyosarcomas such as variants of embryonal and pleomorphic forms. Immunostaining frequency of tumours using SR-Ca-ATPase ...
From Ca2+ titrations in buffers with various pH and from pH titrations in P-E2, it could be demonstrated that H+ binding is electrogenic and that Ca2+ and H+ compete for the same binding site(s). Tharpsigargin-induced inhibition of the Ca-ATPase led to a state with a specific ...
(ER) functions in the heart. To more fully understand cardiac SR and ER functions, we analyzed cardiac microsomes based on their increased density through the actions of the SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and the ryanodine receptor that are highly active in cardiomyocytes. Crude cardiac microsomal ...
5) sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 肌浆网钙ATPase6) sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases 心肌肌浆网钙泵 例句>> 补充资料:肌浆网 肌浆网 即分布于肌浆中的内质网,参见"肌细胞"。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考词条...
Hyperthyroidism causes mechanical insufficiency of myocardium with possibly increased SR Ca2+-ATPase activity. Hyperthyroidism causes mechanical insufficiency of myocardium with possibly increased SR Ca2+-ATPase activity. Jpn J Physiol 2003; 53: 411-6... T Koh,M Minakawa,M Otaki,... - 《Jpn J Ph...
1,6-二磷酸果糖对阿霉素引起大鼠心肌细胞内游离钙和肌浆网Ca2+-ATP酶活性改变的影响 目的:探讨1,6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)对阿霉素(ADR)所引起的大鼠心肌细胞内游离钙及心肌肌浆网钙-ATP酶(SRCa2+ -ATPase)活性变化的影响.方法:给大鼠腹腔注射ADR(2.5 mg·kg-1... 蔡巍,陈珊 - 《中国病理生理杂志》 被引量:...