Could28 please help me?"The owl says, “ 29_!" The owl takes Somu in his claws (爪) and asks, “ What does your house look like?""My house is white and it's near a _30_,"Somu says. The owl takes Somu to a river. There is a white house by the river."Is that your ...
asks Squirrel."He should have a rest," Fox is worried.So they go into Rat's house. "Dear Rat, what are you doing? Stop for a while and have a rest," they say."My friends, thank you for coming. I am writing an animal交际乐," answers Rat. "The king (国王) of the forest ...
and her beautiful white fur, who disappears one day while out playing with her brother, Edward. The mystery is solved with the help of a new friend, Nikita, a very clever dog who misses her litter mates and is delighted at the end of the book when she is reunited with all three of ...
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Talking James Squirrel Kaufcom 家庭与儿童 3+ 用户交互 谈詹姆斯松鼠。他回答,他滑稽的声音和反应,你说什么或你的触摸。此外,发挥与詹姆斯和他的钢琴!播放您喜爱的歌曲和詹姆斯会喜欢为你歌唱。詹姆斯第二篇令人兴奋的内部游戏和绘图选项! 花一些时间与这个可爱的詹姆斯有点疯狂松鼠。 他会告诉你他的一些空...
So she goes to ask her friends for help.First, she meets Gordon the Monkey.“Excuse me, Gordon. How do you keep (保持) Coco(2) ?" Coco asks."Well, you know fruit is my favorite and I eat a lot every day.Sometimes. I try some vegetables like (3)_, but I don't like them....
asks Squirrel "He should have a rest." Fox is worried So they go into Rat's house. "Dear Rat, what are you doing? You should stop for a while and have a rest," they say. "My friends, thank you for coming. I am writing an animal symphony(交响乐)," answers Rat. "The king(...
The Lincoln School is restarting its traditional trip to Washington, D.C., for its graduating eighth-graders. To help offset $10,000 in costs, students and parents are organizing several community events starting with a trivia night at the Tack Room onSunday, March 16from 7:00-9:00pm. Co...
It looks like a family is walking through the park when a wild squirrel walks straight up to them and politely asks for water from one of the individual’s water bottles.It is common knowledge that there is a big difference between “city squirrels” and “rural squirrels,” and th...
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