Making Squid use a particular outgoing IP or TOS for one user but not for others has been very difficult for almost the whole exitence of Squid. If each user had an identifiable source IP it was not too bad, but once they used a downstream proxy all bets were off. The tcp_outgoing_*...
Squidis not a generic proxy. It proxies normally only HTTP connections. It does also support the protocols FTP, Gopher, SSL, and WAIS, but it does not support other Internet protocols, such as Real Audio, news, or video conferencing. BecauseSquidonly supports the UDP protocol to provide comm...
The proxy-chain package is also used by Crawlee, the world's most popular web craling library for Node.js. The proxy-chain package currently supports HTTP/SOCKS forwarding and HTTP CONNECT tunneling to forward arbitrary protocols such as HTTPS or FTP (learn more). The HTTP CONNECT tunneling ...
The proxy-chain package is also used by Crawlee, the world's most popular web craling library for Node.js.The proxy-chain package currently supports HTTP/SOCKS forwarding and HTTP CONNECT tunneling to forward arbitrary protocols such as HTTPS or FTP (learn more). The HTTP CONNECT tunneling ...
Answer :Squid is an Application software released under GNU/GPL which acts as a proxy server as well as web cache Daemon. Squid primarily supports Protocol like HTTP and FTP however other protocols like HTTPS, SSL,TLS, etc are well supported. The feature web cache Daemon makes web surfing fa...
Squid (第13 章) 译者序: 本人在工作中 着数台 Squid 服务器,多次参阅 Duane We s (他也是Squid 的创始 人)的这本书,原书名是Squid: The Definitive Guide,由 OReilly 。我在业余时间把 它翻译成中文,希望对中文 Squid 用户有所帮助。对普通的 上网用户,Squid 可充当代 理服务器;而对 Sina,NetEase ...
I have only enabled the HTTPS part of the reverse proxy on pfSense and I have configured the appropriate ports and protocols on the web servers tab and applied mappings. The reverse proxy works perfectly for web servers running https internally (i.e. HTTPS to HTTPS) however web servers only...
HTTP Version Not Supported 10.5.6 6xx Proxy Error N/A 600 Unparseable Response Headers (Squid-specific) N/A 假如Squid从原始服务器没有接受到任何响应,你可在access.log里看到状态码0。假如Squid接受到的响应没有包含HTTP头部,就会出现状态码600。在少数情况下,某些原始服务器仅发送响应body,而忽略了任何头...
Squid发现请求资源的貌似陈旧的拷贝,并发送确认请求到原始服务器。原始服务器返回304(未修改)响应,指示squid的拷贝仍旧是新鲜的。 TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT 1. Squid发现请求资源的貌似陈旧的拷贝,并发送确认请求到原始服务器。然而,原始服务器响应失败,或者返回的响应Squid不能理解。在此情形下,squid发送现有cache拷贝(很可...
HTTP Version Not Supported 10.5.6 6xx Proxy Error N/A 600 Unparseable Response Headers (Squid-specific) N/A 假如Squid从原始服务器没有接受到任何响应,你可在access.log里看到状态码0。假如Squid接受到的响应没有包含HTTP头部,就会出现状态码600。在少数情况下,某些原始服务器仅发送响应body,而忽略了任何头...