1、《Install and Configure Squid Proxy Server for Windows》 http://b0zmeister.x10host.com/install-and-configure-squid-proxy-server-for-windows/ 2、http://www.right.com.cn/forum/thread-140848-1-1.html
先提条件,您预安装配置squid的这台计算机必须是联入网络的,系统版本是windows 2000/xp/2003/server 2003。 1)先下载Squid for Windows版本,下载地址如下(ZIP文件名称:squid-2.7.STABLE4-bin.zip),可以把这个文件下载到桌面,这样好找好操作。 Squid是Linux/Unix下著名的代理服务器软件,很多商业版本的代理服务器都是...
Squid Windows Installer Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It reduces bandwidth and improves response times by caching and reusing frequently-requested web pages. Squid has extensive access controls and makes a great server accelerator. It runs on most ...
include /etc/squid/conf.d/*.conf # For example, to allow access from your local networks, you may uncomment the # following rule (and/or add rules that match your definition of "local"): http_access allow localnet # And finally deny all other access to this proxy http_access deny all...
i have installed Squid 4.14 for Windows on a Windows Server 2016 Standard. Everytime i start the squid cmd and type for exampel squid.exe version i get the following massage: 11 [main] squid 410 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to squid.exe.stackdump ...
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server (简称Microsoft ISA或ISA Server)是Microsoft Proxy Server的升级换代产品。ISA Server是一个可扩展的企业防火墙和Neb缓存服务器,可与Windows 2000/2003集成,以便为互联网用户实现基于策略的安全的实现、数据访问的加速。
Cache Server采用的软件是Squid,Squid比较理想的运行环境是类Unix的操作系统下,由于网通站点没有Linux服务器,故只能使用Windows下的squid软件,版本为squid-2.6.STABLE3。 以下为Windows下Squid的配置过程: 1、到http://www./SquidNT.htm网站获取最新版本的squid for windows NT ...
hosts_file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts #auth_param basic children 5 #auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server #auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours #auth_param basic casesensitive off acl num maxconn 100 acl dlnet src ...
有时你无法从本地连接到 SSH 服务器。还有时,你可能想为 SSH 连接添加额外的安全层。在这些情况下,...
1、squid代理: 缓存网页,减少重复请求,加快访问速度,隐藏真实ip 代理的分类: 传统代理:使用Internet...