Also the Squid Tray always pops up a message that a new version 4.14 is available, even if I am just using this version. Please fix tis and meanwhile make the last working version available for download. Contributor ra-at-diladele-com commented May 28, 2021 • edited We have tested t...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Squid Proxy 设置的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Squid Proxy 设置问答内容。更多Squid Proxy 设置相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
auth_param指令和proxy_auth ACL是少数在配置文件里顺序重要的实例。你必须在proxy_auth ACL之前定义至少一个验证辅助程序(使用auth_param)。假如你没有这样做,squid打印出错误消息,并且忽略proxy_auth ACL。这并非致命错误,所以squid可以启动,但所有你的用户的请求可能被拒绝。 proxy_auth ACL取用户名作为值。然而,...
[root@squid_server squid-3.5.28]# vim /etc/squid.conf # And finally deny all other access to this proxy ##56行插入 http_access allow all##放在http_access deny all之前,允许任意客户机使用代理服务,控制规则自上而下匹配 http_access deny all # Squid normally listens to port 3128 http_port3...
After the installation of the Squid proxy is done, you need to check the status to know whether it is working on your system on not. Sometimes, mismatching with the configuration files would be the cause of not functioning the proxy server. I would recommend you copy the default settings on...
5. ChooseManual proxy configurationand type the IP address and port of the Squid proxy. To test the configuration, perform an IP address lookup. If your proxy is working, the result will show theIP addressbelonging to the proxy. Step 4: Add Squid ACL (Optional) ...
To test if the configuration of Squid HTTP proxy server is working or not, you need to manually change your web browser’s proxy settings and enter your server’s IP address and port number. If you experience any problems, you can check the access.log for more information. ...
Making Squid use a particular outgoing IP or TOS for one user but not for others has been very difficult for almost the whole exitence of Squid. If each user had an identifiable source IP it was not too bad, but once they used a downstream proxy all bets were off. The tcp_outgoing_*...
Issue Unable to upload files larger than 2M withsquid. The procdure was working well with the same configuration in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. However, it started failing after migration to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. Raw #curl -x localhost:3128 -X POST -F upfile=@/etc/squid/test2M ...