export http_proxy="http://squid:123456@" export https_proxy="http://squid:123456@" 如果没有开启认证 http_proxy= https_proxy= # source /etc/profile 3.2、配置wget代理 新增wget的环境变量文件 # vim ~/.wget...
export http_proxy="http://squid:123456@" export https_proxy="http://squid:123456@" 如果没有开启认证 http_proxy= https_proxy= # source /etc/profile 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.2、配置wget代理 新...
FTP_PROXY=http: #为使用FTP协议指定代理 NO_RPOXY=192.168.20.,192.168.30. #对两个局域网段不使用代理 export HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY FRP_PROXY NO_PROXY [root@localhost ~]# source /etc/profile #重新加载 下篇详细写squid 日志分析和squid 反向代理。
Edit -> Preferences,Advanced -> Network -> Settings...,勾选“Manual proxy configuration:”,填写相关参数值HTTP Proxy: Port:3128。勾选“Use this proxy server for all protocols”。 Squid服务程序默认使用3128、3401与4827等端口号,可以把默认使用的端口号修改为其他值,以便起到一定的保护作用。
It the squid configuration file. This proxy and the cluster node are hosted in Replace to the CIDR hosting your RTF cluster. acl localnet src # ports allowed acl Safe_ports port 443 # https http_access deny !Safe_ports # whitelist dom...
acl allowed_clients src # 允许访问的客户端 http_access allow allowed_clients # 默认拒绝其他所有的访问 http_access deny all 修改默认端口号 参考: How To Setup And Configure A Proxy Server - Squid Proxy Setup And Configuration
接着就可以使用如下指令安装Squid Proxy了: yum -y install squid 安装完毕,使用systemd控制squid的状态。 systemctl start squid 想要设置为开机自启动,运行下面的命令: systemctl enable squid 查看squid运行状态: systemctl status squid 终端输出类似如下: ...
User may need to tune some parameters on the proxy squid and apache https containers. We would like to avoid adding another volume or ask users to enter container's terminal and change/add any new file. The goal is to have a mechanism that allow users to tune the parameters without need...
Para configurar y utilizar la función de proxy de reenvío en Squid, debe seguir estos pasos: 1. Instalar Squid En primer lugar, necesitas instalar el software Squid en tu servidor. Puedes instalarlo a través de herramientas de gestión de paquetes o compilación de código fuente. Asegúrate...
使用auth功能#acl need_auth proxy_auth REQUIRED#http_access allow need_auth3. 启动[root@test230 ~]# squid -k parse2014/12/1917:42:40|Processing Configuration File: /etc/squid/squid.conf(depth0)2014/12/1917:42:40|Initializing https proxy context[root@test230 ~]# service squid startStarting...