Digital media could use Secret NFTs to create watermarked content or to protect exclusive or gated content. Game producers could use Secret Network to create “loot boxes” with mystery content, deploy playable trading card games with hidden traits, or design role-playing games with enhanced strateg...
“I have always disliked those who, with their infected noses and erotic fantasies, break into other people’s private affairs.” A little rich for a guy long involved in the kidnapping of children, and assassinations. A former K.G.B. operative steeped in the agency’s ways of subterfuge,...
Squid Game populates the game with blunt, schematic character types (an old man, a criminal, an immigrant, a woman from North Korea, a guy who was superficially successful but secretly underwater, a married couple, a doctor, the one lady everyone hates), and if the show were less deft ...
Though eating two pounds of vegtables –where many of those chemicals are found naturally– every morning might just be way to much for most people… There is one guy that’s spending around 2million USD/year on having every aspect of his diet and excercise controled. Most of the spend is...
Turns out the Pizza Guy delivered not only pie&fizz but had got a large carton of fresh milk and a box of PG Tips tea bags from a local all night garage a jar of Nesscafe and two boxes of eggs and loaf of bread. Now had it been a real war not an excercise, the ...
and hearing of several killed, I decided that I should say something. Have fun, but be very careful. If anyone here wants travel advice about Thailand or Laos, write us at our blog and we will help you. We have a guy who has been in Isaan since 1970. We have deep experience about...
So no ambitious man wants to crimp the power of the state because in doing so he limits not only the other guy’s potential but his own. The most obvious cultural example of this truth is America’s plethora of lotteries. Americans do not want to soak the rich, the want to be rich ...
I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but I’m not ready to call it PSYOPS…yet. It’s probably just good old-fashioned incompetence. The trouble is there is very rarely “a good conspiracy theory” as in same old same old, dull improbable and needing some invisi...
I don’t know (and care) who that man is but it is clear to me that evil corp has a brillant guy behind their undertaking. One of the strengths of their approach is practical usability (the big painful spot of spec/model/verif.). In the end it’s brutally simple: If one wants ...
You can clearly see that this guy is a sharp security expert. ‘ • June 28, 2022 5:23 AM @ Clive Robinson, JonKnowsNothing Killian curtain Did it have yellow dots? Was it hard to wash?Clive...