‘https://media2.ai6yr.org/media_attachments/files/110/738/831/142/319/352/original/e77d44c8f7d81017.png Photoshopped version ‘https://s3.eu-central-2.wasabisys.com/mastodonworld/media_attachments/files/110/727/757/812/053/701/original/901fd0caea757269.pnglurker • July 19, 2023 1:...
This “EM Weapons” game is just another way to get your hands on Government Money by the bucket load. And if it does “get going” it will turn into another ECM, ECCM, ECCCM game with each progressive step being some significant power in cost increase. The way to win the ga...
Why should they, they are in effect every bit as make-believe as “Monsters under the bed”. All they do is act as a form of “guard labour” designed to keep the honest, honest and provide a way to herd the population via cognitive bias placed in childrens minds long before they can...
MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player online RPGs by the number of players able to interact together, and by the game’s persistent world (usually hosted by the game’s publisher), which continues to exist and evolve while the player is offline and a...
‘https://nitter.net/pic/orig/media%2FFehO0sSWIAIe5Mu.png listen to this video ‘https://nitter.net/Osinttechnical/status/1578596502376632321#m If you are not familiar with how concrete works and what spalling is, well, let’s just say I would not be using that rail bridge. There is ...
You know other guys who keep visitors under guard for two weeks? Ok, name one. And no, it’s not cultural. I visited Russia many times. The message I hoped to convey, is that Putin seems to take very great precautions to protect his personal survival. This may, or might not, ...
I’m not calling you names! One needs to be paranoid so as not to drop one’s guard. And if you’re not in a straitjacket, then you’re not paranoid enough. I’m paranoid; I have a staigtjacket and a tinfoil hat too 😉 ...
(http://i.imgur.com/CduzEfh.png), and you connect +5V and GND pins from each USB-serial converter, andONLYthe TX pin on the TX side, and the RX pin on the RX side. This is very important, in essence you have 2 things that are enforcing the isolation of transmitting one way. ...
So, when you bring up a JPEG/PNG/GIF that your copied from the Onion’s web site you might get an automated take-down notice. The offending image will be forward to the FBI and local police and a vehicle has already been dispatched to your location, the door bell will ring in three...
http://i.imgur.com/0jngGDs.png If that’s not hack-n-patch at its finest, I don’t know what is. That would take at least a day to verify and step thru, for me at least. So for even something as seemingly simple as an echo utility, code bloat just explodes real quick. Any ...