Netflix has a new series called Squid Game, about people competing in a deadly game for money. It has nothing to do with actual squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Read my blog posting guidelines h...
So it’s a delicate balancing game and so far it might be the sole reason we still have not being in a world war… The game the US are playing might have moved from the Middle East to Europe, but it will take very little to spark it up back in the Fare East and antipides…Space...
To this end, game theory and industrial organization have identified candidate mechanisms such as utility-based decisions and group size dynamics (Axelrod et al. 1995; Casari and Tagliapietra 2018). The second chal- lenge is methodological. The iterative and interdisciplinary approach needed to ...
but it is the reason you should always monitor your entropy source with statistical tests BEFORE it goes into any be-bias or hashing that chip manufactures use to hide the degects of their systems (yes Intel are major culprits in this game)… But...
This “EM Weapons” game is just another way to get your hands on Government Money by the bucket load. And if it does “get going” it will turn into another ECM, ECCM, ECCCM game with each progressive step being some significant power in cost increase. The way to win the ga...
If however you know the game they are playing and you have the right mind set, you get revenge, not by rage or violence but by “turning the tables” and playing them. During “the troubles” in N.I. various people under observation used to pull tricks on the watchers and keep them ...
The rather dumb US ambassador to the EU who is currently in trouble, kind of gave the game away when he told senior Europeans his job was to destroy them. It’s fairly clear that one of the usefull side effects for the US is all the ME refugees trying to flood into Europe, which yo...
For those that have been playing the game for a few years they have already git the real money out. Which means the rest is fantasy money like fairy gold, which is going to turn into lead rather quickly. So the question becomes will the let down be fast hard and brutal or will it ...
It’s a good idea if you don’t want to make money, because the nature of the game PVP and the setting is what generates the anger and frustration and name calling. It’s not uncommon to scream at the PC even if no one is listening… Release Day is going to be V E R Y...
Up untill fairly recently, we could play a trad-off game, where we could seperate precision from range, and thus the likes of “floating point arithmetic” could be used, or we could have stop-watches/clocks for applications where high precision time is required, and calenders where ...