The pectoralis muscles are the largest muscles on the chest wall but there are several other muscle pairs present. These muscles can be easily strained with exertion. Chest wall injury is more likely to lead to a bruised feeling or even a stabbing sensation rather than a squeezing chest pain....
I wrote a few years back on aDr. Wayne Dyer story where he talks about squeezing orangesand asked what comes out when you squeeze an orange. I guess I noticed it this time – the squeeze and the feeling that came out. But, I was able, in noticing, catch it and respond differently. ...
The pain appears in the chest, feeling like constricting or squeezing. It may also occur in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or [...] 通常胸口會感到擠壓性或壓 迫性的疼痛,而肩膊、手臂、頸部、頜部或背部都可能感疼痛,腹部亦可能有消化不良的感覺。 Turning to...
then your erectile difficulties are probably not primarily physical in origin, but are largely dependent on relationship issues and feelings: how you feel about one or more of your sexual partners, or how stressed you are feeling, for example. In...