在网络或航空术语中,“squawk”可指设备发出的警报信号,或飞行员通过无线电编码传递紧急信息。例如:The plane’s transponder sent a squawk code 7700.(飞机的应答器发出7700故障代码。) 二、作为动词的含义 发出刺耳叫声 当不及物动词使用时,多表示鸟类或机械装置发出尖锐声音。例如...
And finally, the last emergency code that can be squawked is 7700, which can be used for general emergency. An aircraft may even be directly asked to squawk 7700 after speaking to ATC verbally so that they can recognise them and give them priority over others. Squawking 7700 gives the pilot...
squawk是使应答机发送某个编码。所以本句的意思,并不是让飞行员不停地设置应答机编码,而是应答机编码设置成7700后,就不要再变,持续使用7700这个编码,直到紧急状况结束。 3)ATC would cancel the pilot’s IFR clearance and issue a VFRsquawk. squawk用作名词的情况不...
transpondeur mayday, transpondez code d'alarme是“squawk mayday"到 法文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:'Does this warrant a MAYDAY', 'What actually happens when I call a Mayday and squawk 7700, the whole theatre will kick into panic won't it?' ↔ Que se passera t il réellement si j'env...
飞机因为突发事故迫降时会发出7700紧急代码。 也许你会问,什么是7700紧急代码?这就要先从2个英语单词说起了。 Transponder:应答机。一种收到无线电问询信号后,能自动回应预设代码的机器。Transponder是transmit(发射信号)和respond(回应)的合成词。 Squawk:拟声词,鸟类的大叫声。也可以形容人大声说话。
ASquawk 7700code indicates an emergency onboard the aircraft. It may be due to technical, environmental, or medical issues that result in an emergency situation. The Squawk 7700 can either be instructed by the ATC or can be inputted into the transponders by pilots. ...
1Squawk 7700 If an aircraft squawks 7700, it means that it is dealing with an emergency. Pilots often set the code in the transponder before getting on the radio and making either a Pan Pan or Mayday call. When a controller sees the number on their display, they plan to give the aircr...
In an emergency, a pilot should squawk 7700 which means set his or her transponder to that set of digits so that it returns that code to Air Traffic Control. This indicates that the aircraft is in distress. The other meaning of 'squawk' is a report of something broken on the aircraft...