美[skwɔk] 英[skwɔːk] n.嘎嘎;【鸟】黑冠夜苍鹭;大声诉苦;〈美俚〉粗厉的叫声 v.发出刺耳的尖叫声;尖声高叫;怒声叫嚷;吃惊地尖声说话 网络发牢骚;应答机;粗声叫出 复数:squawks现在分词:squawking过去式:squawked 同义词 v. screech,call,cry,squeal,shriek ...
He gave a strangulatedsquawk. 他像嗓子被勒住似的嘎叫了一声。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 The hen gave asquawkwhen It'saw the cat. 母鸡见到猫时咯咯叫了起来. 《简明英汉词典》 A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angrysquawk. ...
复数:squawks现在分词:squawking过去式:squawked 同义词 v. screech,call,cry,squeal,shriek n. complaint 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 嘎嘎 2. 【鸟】黑冠夜苍鹭 3. 〈美俚〉粗厉的叫声 4. 大声诉苦,抗议 v. 1. 〈美俚〉(粗声或大声地)诉苦,发牢骚,抗议 ...
squawk 英[skwɔːk] 考点解读 托福 雅思 squawk 常考释义 n. 粗厉的叫声;大声抱怨,抗议v. 发出粗厉的叫声;大声抱怨,粗声抗议 变形词 过去式squawked 过去分词squawked 现在分词squawking 第三人称单数squawks 复数squawks 单词详解 英汉双解 n. 粗厉的叫声;尖叫声 ...
v.发出刺耳的尖叫声;尖声高叫;怒声叫嚷;吃惊地尖声说话 Web发牢骚;应答机;粗声叫出 翻译到中文 英语中的定义 n. 1. 〈美俚〉粗厉的叫声 2. 【鸟】黑冠夜苍鹭 3. 嘎嘎 4. 大声诉苦,抗议 v. 1. (鸡,鸭,鸟等)嘎嘎地叫 2. 〈美俚〉(粗声或大声地)诉苦,发牢骚,抗议 ...
英语解释 utter a harsh abrupt scream the noise of squawking complain informal terms for objecting 相似短语 squawk boxn.<美俚>(供内部联系用的)扬声器,通话盒 相似单词 squawkv. [I] 1.发出粗厉的叫声;(鸟类的)嘎嘎叫声 2.【美】【口】大声抱怨;抗议 v. [T] 1.粗声叫出 n. [C] 1.粗厉的叫...
SQUAWK在航空业,是空管部门用的术语,来校准飞机的应答机编码。比如“SQUAWK 7421”,意思为”选择应答机编码7421“或”我已选择了应答机编码 7421“。应答机(英语发射-回应的合成词,时常缩写为XPDR、XPNDR、TPDR、TP,是一个电子设备,当接收到无线电问询时,可做相关反应。在民航上,飞机用应答机...
The show was named Squawk on the Street, which makes me think more of puppets than stocks. FromThe Daily Beast I would like you to tell Mrs. Meredith that the Squawk is like all other babies in the world and hear what she has to say!
More thankfully still, when it does, Lincoln's first question to me the next morning is whether I was able to help the person I was trying to save, and when I say no, as I usually do, he gives me a squawk, which is what they call a hug on "SpongeBob", and tells me he hopes...