迪士尼动画12法则:挤压与伸展(Squash and stretch)预期动作(Anticipation)演出方式(Staging)接续动作与关键动作(Straight ahead action and pose to pose)跟随动作与重叠动作(Follow through and ...
Squash and stretch -- 挤压和拉伸 挤压和拉伸的目的是为绘制的对象赋予重量感和灵活性。它可以应用于简单的物体,如弹跳球,或更复杂的结构,如人脸的肌肉组织。 应用在动画中,这一原则最重要的方面是对象的体积在被挤压或拉伸时不会改变。如果一个球的长度被垂直拉伸,它的宽度(三个维度,还有它的深度)需要相应地...
001 Squash and Stretch 2 002 Anticipation 2 003 Staging 2 004 Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose 2 005 Follow Through and Overlapping Action 2 006 Slow In and Slow Out 2 007 Day of Rest 05 Week 4 001 Arcs 2 002 Secondary Action 2 003 Timing 2 004 Exaggeration 2 005 Solid Drawing and ...
001 Squash and Stretch 4 - 大小:16m 目录:08 Week 7 资源数量:84,其他后期软件教程_其他,become a professional character animator/08 Week 7/001 Squash and Stretch 4,become a professional character animator/08 Week 7/002 Anticipation 4,become a professional
001 Squash and Stretch 3 - 大小:18m 目录:06 Week 5 资源数量:84,其他后期软件教程_其他,become a professional character animator/06 Week 5/001 Squash and Stretch 3,become a professional character animator/06 Week 5/002 Anticipation 3,become a professional
005 Principle 1 - Squash and stretch - 大小:11m 目录:Lynda - 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators 资源数量:31,其他后期软件教程_其他,Lynda - 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators/001 Welcome,Lynda - 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animato