2. Squash Merge 如前所述,Squash Merge会将代码提交记录压缩合并为 1个, 并且操作不当容易引发代码冲突。不过仍然有些情况是建议将提交记录进行压缩的: 以功能开发为例, 当我们开发一个功能分支时, 可能会产生很多意义不大的提交记录(例如可能 commit 后才发现有 typo, 于是又多了个修复 typo 的 commit)。 ...
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of the branch is presented after merging the changes. Here’s a breakdown of the differen...
git checkout -b [branch_A]切换到[branch_A] git merge --squash [branch_B]把[branch_B]合入[branch_A]中,并将多个commit记录合并 git commit -m "commit's log message"填写一个commit记录信息 git push --set-upstream [remote] [branch_A]如果是新创建的分支就推送并关联远程分支 git push [remo...
“变基(rebase)” 能使另一个链中的最后一个提交成为指定分支的新 “基础提交(base commit)”。 在Git 中整合来自不同分支的修改主要有两种方法:合并(merge)以及变基(rebase),你可能更熟悉git merge命令。接下来,就来看看 [git-scm.com] 是如何解释git merge和git rebase的差异: Image of Git merge versus ...
https://github.com/learning-js-by-reading-source-codes/github-pr-code-review/commit/5a954c1269cbfc4c79ad61cd47e271790420b273 github squash and merge vs rebase and merge 关于拉取请求合并 压缩与合并拉取请求提交 变基与合并拉取请求提交
When you complete apull request, you merge the topic branch into your default branch, usuallymain. This merge adds the commits of the topic branch to your main branch and creates a merge commit to reconcile any conflicts between the default and topic branch. The comments and discussion in the...
• No merge commit: Unlike a traditional merge, this doesn’t create a “merge commit.” The branch’s commits are simply added to the history of the target branch in sequence. When to use it: • Preserving individual commits: If the individual commits have meaningful context and should...
将一个分支合并到其他两个分支(由 Azure DevOps 报告,而非由消除合并库 2 的git merge-base报告) 复制 ---1---o---o---o---A \ / \---2 \ \ \---o---o---o---B 处理主分支还原的后果,例如修改合并提交 复制 * 42bb2d2 (HEAD, A) Amended merge commit |\ |...
“Squash and merge” and “Rebase and merge” are two different ways to combine changes from a pull request (PR) into the target branch (e.g., main) on GitHub. Both methods affect how the history of…
Squash and merge workflow Each time a branch merges into your base branch, up to two commits are added: The single commit created by squashing the commits from the branch. A merge commit, unless you have enabledfast-forward mergesin your project. Fast-forward merges disable merge commits. ...