Clove dazzles with its full-screen image background above the fold, complemented by a transparent header and elegantly overlayed text for immediate punch. Google Maps integration ensures effortless location visibility, boosting user experience. The template’s light design promotes clarity and focus, wh...
Clove Squarespace template triggers immediately with a full-screen image background above the fold. Moreover, it has an engaging text overlay and a strategically placed CTA in the navbar. Its light design ethos ensures a clean, roomy feel, while Google Maps integration enhances user engagement a...
If you’re struggling to get that background image to shine through, try adjusting the overlay colour to something with a lighter opacity. The Good The Bad Details GET IT Go to Aviator Joseph Green Global Shopping Editor Joseph Green is the Global Shopping Editor for Mashable. He ...
Grid: OverlayGrid: SimpleHover: Follow CursorHover: Background View Spot template A custom portfolio for your custom work Create a cohesive portfolio for your body of work, no matter what you make. Upload and manage all your files from one central hub, then use text, imagery, or videos to...
In the PROJECTS section on Homepage, Is there a way for the project name to appear on the center of the image on hover, on desktop only? I'd like for there to be no horizontal padding between rows. I'd like for it to stay the same on mobile (stacked, caption below image, no hov...
For anybody stumbling across this later on, I managed to make it work. The overlay displays while the images underneath are clickable. Here's the code I used: .gallery-masonry-item:not(.has-clickthrough):hover .gallery-caption-grid-masonry { z-index: 0; opacity: 1; pointer-events: none...
background image can be turned on and off for the mobile experience. Aviator gives you a smaller space to work with, but at least it won’t look cluttered. If you’re struggling to get that background image to shine through, try adjusting the overlay color to something with a lighter ...
Almar is a vibrant Squarespace freelancer template with a large hero image section, transparent header, and overlayed text with a CTA link. The template has plenty of cool details, including dark, contrasting call-to-action buttons, a testimonials section, and a newsletter subscription form. ...
Hawley is a Squarespace template that might not look much at first glance. But as soon as you hover over the text, things get exciting. When you hover over the links in the central “hamburger” menu, a different image appears per link, each guiding you to a specific section on the pag...
I have a business account and I want to make a portfolio page that keeps the overlay hover effect with text (to show the title of my artwork) on the image but I want to disable the click through to the project page. Instead when clicking on the photo (artwork) I want it to show ...