First, let's ask ourselves which square roots can be simplified. To answer it, you need to take the number which is after the square root symbol and find its factors. If any of its factors are square numbers (4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and so on), then you can simplify the sq...
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Using the same approach, try to work out the square root of 12. Split the root into factors, and then see if you can split it into factors again. Attempt this as a practice problem, and then look at the solution below: 12=26=223=23 Again, this simplified expression can either be us...
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Eight input combinations of four water quality parameters, namely, water temperature, discharge, pH, and specific conductance, are used to simulate the DO concentration. The results revealed the superiority of the LSSVM-BA model over the M5 Tree and MARS models in the prediction of river DO. ...