Complex expressions with square roots can be simplified by using the letter 'i' to represent the square root of a negative number. Discover complex expressions, imaginary numbers, and how to simplify complex expressions that contain square roots. Related...
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The square root of 12 can be represented in one of two ways: 1. 2√3 The square root has been simplified by factoring out the perfect square and... Learn more about this topic: Square Root | Definition, Formula & Examples from
However, a vanishing error is only expected for an accurate measurement for the completeness of the error measure. Here, we do not give the original counter-example but the slightly simplified version as stated in ref. 25. Consider measurement of the observable A in a two-level system in ...
As 𝐶𝑏Cb is much larger than the value of 𝐼𝐵(𝑘)IB(k), the SOC change is small enough in each sampling step. Hence, d𝑔(𝑥1(𝑘))d𝑥1dg(x1(k))dx1 can be simplified to a constant 𝑘0>0k0>0 [28,29]. By substituting (4) into (6), it can be derived th...