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we will derive themean free velocity, which is the mean velocity obtained by integratingEq. 6.30overdv. We have already calculated the mean square velocity (Eq. 6.16) which gave us a rough estimate of the velocity of a free moving particle. The velocity we derive ...
Sum of Square Numbers 2. Solution 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 classSolution{public:booljudgeSquareSum(int c){int root=int(sqrt(c))+1;for(int i=0;i<root;i++){int difference=c-i*i;int j=int(sqrt(difference));if(i*i+j*j==c){returntrue;}}returnfa...
respectively, and in overall the six models worked equally without clear superiority of one above another. Second, the air temperature was combined with the periodicity (i.e.,