Generalization of functional equation for the square root spiral,”Applied - Wang, Xu - 2006Z. Wang, X. Chen and B. Xu, Generalization of functional equation for the square root spiral, Appl. Math. Comput. 182(2006), 1355-1360.Wang, Z., Chen, X., Xu, B.: Generalization of ...
AL16300066 V-BELT SET XPA-1360 GS12066819 ADAPT FLANGE TO AL16300072 V-BELT SET XPA-1429 GS12066825 COUPLING 3/8 HOSE AL16300094 V-BELT SET XPZ-1137 GS12066826 NIPL 3/8 HOSE TO AL16300128 V-BELT SET XPA-1482 GS12066839 JACKSTAND ADJ SWVL AL16300130 V-BELT SET XPA-1500 GS1206...
Z. Wang, X. Chen and B. Xu, Generalization of functional equation for the square root spiral, Appl. Math. Comput. 182(2006), 1355-1360.Wang, Z., Chen, X., Xu, B.: Generalization of functional equation for the square root spiral. Appl. Math. Comput. , 182 , 1355–1360 (2006)...