What is the square root of 1089? The value of the square root of 1089 is approximately equal to 33. Visit BYJU’S to learn how to find the square root of 1089 using the long division and prime factorization method.
Square Root Table is available here to find square root of numbers. Find square table and cube root table also, to solve many mathematical problems easily at BYJU'S.
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook perfect square Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to perfect square:Completing the square,Perfect cube n. An integer that is the square of an integer. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi...
The square root of 4 is two, and the square root of 9 is 3. To find the square root of 6, we can guess the value comes between 2 and 3. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT But we need to verify which value is closer to the , i.e., 2 or 3. Let us calculate the square of 2.44 ...
The square number of an integer ends with 6 if its last digit is either 4 or 6. The square number of an even integer is always an even integer, while the square of an odd number is always an odd number. Square numbers are always positive. If a number’s square root is a frac...
PROPERTY 2:If a square number ends with some number of0, then it ends with even number of zeros. PROPERTY 3:If a square number ends with5, then it ends with number25. PROPERTY 4:A number can be a perfect square if its digital root is1, 4, 7,or9. ...
If length and height of an object are equal, the object is called Regular polygon. The formula: size in feet = square root (square feet); square feet of an object = height in feet * width in feet = size in feet * size in feet = size2in square feet. ...
No_1089_Duplicate Zeros No_1093_Statistics from a Large Sample No_1095_Find in Mountain Array No_1108_Defanging IP Address No_1114_Print in Order No_1116_Print Zero Even Odd No_1117_Building H2O No_1122_Relative Sort Array No_1123_Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves No...
If length and height of an object are equal, the object is called Regular polygon. The formula: size in meters = square root (square meters); square meters of an object = height in meters* width in meters = size in meters * size in meters = size 2 in square meters. RAVI HAVANUR:...
Squares and square roots differ from each other. A number raised to the power 2, gives square of number, whereas square root gives a value which on multiplied by itself results in the original number.