Square Reader accepte les cartes insérées et sans contact, Apple Pay et Google Pay en toute sécurité, partout. Vous obtenez aussi la sécurisation des données, la surveillance contre la fraude et la gestion des litiges de paiement sans aucuns frais supplémentaires. Prêt à accepterles paie...
作者: Square新产品,一部iPhone + Square POS app = 收单工具,for iPhone users only。假设你是个商家,你是愿意花49块买一个Square reader既能接收卡支付也能接收NFC支付,还是愿意免费下载一个app只接收NFC支付?$Block(SQ)$ 商户还有一个选择,就是苹果售后mobeewave后可能免费了...
Square Reader for contactless and chip (1st generation) Accepts EMV & Contactless Learnmore iOS 16.0+ or Android 7.0+ Square Reader for magstripe (USB-C) Swipe magstripe cards Learnmore Requires iOS 16.0+ or Android 7.0+ Square Reader for magstripe (headset jack) ...
Square就是搭了iPhone这个风口的顺风车。 那么对于当时作为“初期使用者”的商户和用户(我们在此把愿意接受Square Reader刷卡方式的顾客统称为“用户”),心理反应是如何的呢? 首先是商户。我们综合前边的分析,小商户群体是北美支付市场2000多万个个体中最被忽视的群体,其中还有很多想靠周末摆个摊赚点小钱,平日就在自家...
The L7 Case creates an easy-to-grip, one-hand use mobile sales terminal by combining an iPhone 6/7/8 or iPad Mini 1-5 with a Square Contactless + Chip Reader with custom reliefs for charging ports and Swipe reader made with durable TPU and poly-carbonate
iPhone Description Scan QR codes and use Square Reader tools for rapid access and document scanning. QR Code Scanner & Reader is your ultimate app for scanning QR codes and documents. Whether you need a Square Reader or a fast QR scanner, this app is built to deliver. ...
Square iPhone credit card reader now available in Apple Store for $9.95 On Wednesday, Square’s CEO Jack Dorsey announced that the firm’s iPhone credit card reader — also supported by the iPad and iPod touch — is … Todd Haselton ...
2009年,市面上最便宜的便携式信用卡读卡器售价950美元。最初的Square reader造价97美分,但设计毫不马虎,还被史密森尼博物馆和现代艺术博物馆收藏。一些用户因为过于便宜的价格有些怀疑,Square必须证明没有任何附加条件。所以Square没有像其他处理器那样,将客户锁定在某个长期协议中,而是给他们随时离开的自由,进一步...
With a variety of products on the market, like Square Reader, Square Register, Square Stand, Square Cash, and most recently Square Dashboard and Square Appointments, the company continues to evolve. Square Reader allows just about anyone to accept a mobile payment on the go, as it's a simp...
However, the technology that Apple is working on would essentially allow the iPhone to function in a similar way to the Square Terminals. As things stand, business owners currently need to connect to something like a Square reader if they want to use their iPhone to accept payments. Apple ...